Join us for a Special Edition of our Let's Talk Peer Event

Wednesday 23 November 2022, 10am - 1.30pm

LIFT Islington, 45 White Lion Street, N1 9PW

What's it about? 

Let's Talk Peer Event provides the opportunity to talk about anything and everything that's to do with Islington - whether it's something you're having difficulties with or something you've discovered that you want to share. 

This special edition of Let's Talk will be linking with the London Adult Safeguarding Conference 2022.

Do you have personal or family/carer experience of safeguarding? We need to hear your voice and your experience to help shape a better system for everyone across London. 'Safeguarding' means helping people to be safe and not to be hurt or treated badly.

Anyone can attend, but in particular they would like people with experience of any issues related to safeguarding to give feedback about how they found the process. This valuable feedback can help get the safeguarding process right for all adults in London.

We will be joining online with the London Adult Safeguarding Conference 2022 as one group on a projector screen, as a “hub”. The speakers and topics are as below. 

What's taking place?

Free light refreshments will be available at LIFT Islington, but you can bring your own additional food if you'd like to.

Fire Safety London Fire Brigade and the London Safeguarding Voices

Out of borough placements

People In a Position of Trust Liana Kotze - Principal Social Worker for Adults Social Care and Strategic Lead for Safeguarding Adults, Elspeth Smith - Safeguarding Adults Team Manager from Enfield

Liberty Protection Safeguards Theresa Renwick - Safeguarding Adults, Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and Prevent Lead

Financial abuse and safeguarding - economic coercion, scam prevention Prof. Keith Brown - Director of the National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work and Professional Practice (NCPQSW), how scamming has become especially prevalent in the elderly and those living with dementia.

Safe hospital discharge

Who's it for?

It's for adults over 18 years who are Islington residents / those with an Islington GP or those caring for someone who is an Islington resident.

How to take part?

Booking is essential to take part! 

To attend, please click below.


You'll need to register with Age UK Islington (if you haven't previously been in touch with us) to take part.

We look forward to meeting you!

Let’s Talk Peer Event empowers, enables, the voice of its peers to gain knowledge, friendships and better our lives.” Rose-Marie McDonald

“Let’s Talk Peer Event is an empowering peer support group for everyone in the local community, professionals, volunteers, residents (especially those who don’t have access to the internet or skills). A great information centre and communications and support group. Great place to meet friends old and new.” William Digan

“If you ever needed to find out about Islington local community services and help available to residents and those who are carers then Shamin (the organiser/host of this event) and her volunteers are there to give advice and support, and they can follow up later with one to one support.” David Viey