Let’s Talk Peer Event

Thursday 18 July 10.30am - 2pm

New venue: St. Mary’s Church, Upper Street, N1 2TX (wheelchair accessible)

Let’s Talk is relaxed, informal and social. It's a great way of keeping up to date with the latest information and guidance. Keep informed and share information with others. Your voice is important!


10.15am - Arrive and enjoy snacks, refreshment and watch music videos

10.30am - Housekeeping and Updates with Shamin Noronha, Age UK Islington

10.45am - PowerPoint presentation by Islington Council Housing Options Team with Dean Fluin and Donna Bell, Under Occupation Officers - The Council are introducing new cash incentives to council tenants to apply to downsize to free up much needed family size housing.

11.45am - Break for hot lunch and enjoy music videos

12.15pm - PowerPoint presentation by Sophia Stevens, Commissioning Manager, Age Well, Islington Council Adult Social Care - Let’s Talk peers helped to shape the Dementia Priorities for Islington as a focus group over a year ago, now the Council is bringing the draft priorities back to the Let’s Talk peers before publication.

12.45pm - PowerPoint presentation on the different types of welfare benefits by Shamin Noronha and Jenna Hyseni, Information & Advice Team, Age UK Islington

1.30pm - Visit various stalls for one-to-one advice

2pm - End of event


St. Mary’s Church on Upper Street is in central Islington. It is within 9min walk from Essex Road Train Station, 10min walk from Angel Station, 13min walk from Highbury & Islington Station and buses 19, 30, 4, 43 all stop outside St. Mary’s Church.

Want to take part? 

Booking is essential. Please contact letstalk@ageukislington.org.uk to book a place or call our helpline on 020 7281 6018.