Eye Health and Sight Webinar (Zoom)
Tuesday 21 May, 4 - 5pm

With Mr Kamran Saha, Moorfields Consultant Opthalmic Surgeon

Age UK Islington and Islington Carers Hub have come together with Moorfields Eye Hospital to host a webinar. 

Join us for a relaxed session when you can find out about the benefits of regular eye checks. These are essential to pick up any signs of eye disease early.

There will be lots of time for Questions and Answers, so come with your questions!  This could be anything to do with eye health, any concerns or how to access sight checks and services. Health and social care professionals are also welcome to attend.

How to book for the session?

Complete the form below and we'll send you the Zoom link so you are ready to join the session on the day. 

We are committed to protecting your privacy and keeping your personal information safe. For more information, please see the Age UK Islington privacy policy

Seeing your local optician regularly for eye checks is essential. Not only can your optician help you see better, but they can also help detect problems with your eyes like cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.

We hope you'll be able to join us for more information.