Webinar Static

 Breakfast Club Get Together

Tuesday 25 June (last Tuesday of the month) 2 - 4pm

The Breakfast Club, 31 Camden Passage, N1 8EA 

Join Age UK Islington and the Breakfast Club team for a chat and a cuppa on the last Tuesday of the month at the Breakfast Club, Angel.

There are a limited number of places, and priority will be given to those who have not booked before.

Benefits of attending:

  • Receive a warm welcome
  • Enjoy a free cuppa
  • Connect with other Islington residents
  • Get out and about on a Tuesday afternoon


The team from The Breakfast Club and an Age UK Islington Volunteer will be there to meet you!

Accessibility information

Please note that this venue is not accessible - There are five steps to access the cafe and a flight of stairs to get to the toilets. Toilets are gender neutral.

Request a place

Please request a place by emailing activities@ageukislington.org.uk.

There are a limited number of places and priority will be given to those who have not booked before.

Can my friends join? 

We'd look forward to welcoming your friends. They'd need to first be registered with Age UK Islington or Islington Carers Hub - to register, contact our helpline on 020 7281 6018 / gethelp@ageukislington.org.uk or info@islingtoncarershub.org.